8917 South Old State Rd Ste #225, Lewis Center, OH 43035, USA
+1 614-682-2268
+1 614-682-2268


No experience needed

The kids coding adventure starts here.

This class is for kids who have no programming experience.

Scratch is a visual programming language developed by MIT geared toward early childhood. All relevant concepts of programming can be demonstrated through Scratch. No coding typing is required as kids build their games using Lego styled blocks. No prior knowledge of programming is required. Kids should know how to navigate the screen using the mouse.

Scratch +

Deep diving

This is our next recommended class for kids. After getting familiar with Scratch, kids will learn better way to code and organize their blocks. The concept of Function will be introduced to kids. Scratch provides a more advanced data structure called List. Kids will explore some use of the List. This class will continue to build on to their logic thinking ability by introducing ways to solve bigger problems. We would also increase the kid’s programming vocabulary by introducing more terminology.

App Inventor

My first mobile app

App Inventor is a more advanced drag n drop type of programming. It was developed by Google originally and now maintain by MIT. App Inventor allows kids to develop games or app for the Android operating system thats used in many smart phone and tablets. In our experience, App Inventor may be a little harder to grasp compared to Scratch. The language has more resemblance to real world programming languages. If  you have younger kids, it would likely be better off learning Scratch first.

App Inventor +

More mobile app

If the kids have finished the App Inventor class and want to learn more. This is the class for them. We will be talking and teaching about files and databases thats will be useful in your Android application. More components will be taught in this class. A good example is the Text to Speech component which is always a big hits with the kids. Another one is the activity starter component. We will provide each kid with a tablet in the second half of the course. Apps created by the kids can be synced to the tablet wirelessly or via a cable. Kids can see the final application on the mobile tablet.